Networking A Beginners Guide Fifth Edition 2009

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Xian Huang, Yuhao Liu, Kaile Chen, Woo-Jung Shin, Ching-Jui Lu, Gil-Woo Kong, Dwipayan; Patnaik, Sang-Heon Lee, and John A. Rogers, ' Stretchable, Wireless Sensors and Functional Substrates for Epidermal Characterization of Sweat, ' Small, 10: 3083-3090, 2014. Xian Huang, Yuhao Liu, Suk-Won Hwang, Seung-Kyun Kang, Dwipayan; Patnaik, Jonathan Fajardo Cortes, John A. Rogers, ' Biodegradable Materials for Multilayer Transient Printed Circuit Boards, ' Advanced Materials, 2014. Lan Yin, mg; Xian Huang, Hangxun Xu, Yanfeng Zhang, Jasper Lam, Jianjun Cheng and John A. Rogers, ' Materials, Designs and Operational Characteristics for Unfortunately dynamical Primary Batteries, ' Advanced Materials, 26: 3879-3884, 2014. Suk-Won Hwang, Jun-Kyul Song, ability; Xian Huang, Seung-Kyun Kang, Bong-Hoon Kim, Sooyoun Yu, Yonggang Huang, and John A. Transient Electronics on Biodegradable Polymers, ' Advanced Materials, 26:3905-3911, 2014.
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