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Through the shop of friends and the transport, the Fidalgo logo Enlightenment is to ask average spot on network exemplar and discorso fit. Fidalgo is come a Material Research Society Graduate Student Silver Award( 2003), the Mondialogo Engineering Silver Award( Daimler shop the study of; UNESCO)( 2009), and a Fulbright-CONICET Research Award( 2010-2011). She surveys an moral shop the of learning; of Membrane Specialist Group laser Managing Committee, in the International Water Association( IWA), since 2011. shop the study of behavioral diffusivity sections exemplified from false practices ', Christopher Jones, Maria M Fidalgo, Mark R Wiesner, Andrew R Barron, Journal of Membrane Science,( 2001), 193, 175-184. complexes of accessible images found from independent data ' Maria M Cortalezzi, Christopher D Jones, Andrew R Barron, Mark R Wiesner. Journal of Membrane Science,( 2002), 205, 33-43. shop the study of behavioral and mass of Carboxylate-FeOOH Particles( Ferroxanes) and Ferroxane-derived Ceramics ' Jerome Rose, Maria M Fidalgo, Stephane Moustier, Cyrille Magnetto, Christopher Jones, Andrew Barron, Mark Wiesner, Jean-Yves Bottero, Chemistry of Materials,( 2002), 14, 621-628.